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Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment must stop. Those responsible for authorizing it must be held accountable.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEBusiness & Human rights
Ensuring that the practices of Big Business don’t negatively impact the human rights of people in the regions in which they operate.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEInternational justice
The campaign for International Justice demands truth, justice, and full reparations for victims of serious human rights violations.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEIndigenous people
Centuries of racism and dispossession have denied Indigenous Peoples all around the world the opportunity to enjoy their basic human rights.
EXPLORE THE ISSUERefugees and migrants
Regardless of their status in a country, both regular and irregular migrants have human rights that need to be recognized and respected.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEWoman’s human rights
Human rights are universal, however, access to those rights is not universal. Women face distinct barriers to realizing their rights because they are women.
All people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity should enjoy equal human rights.
Nations must stop allowing the irresponsible transfer of arms used in serious human rights abuses and be made accountable to the international community.
EXPLORE THE ISSUESecurity & human rights
Government actions must conform with international human rights law including protections against torture, and arbitrary arrest and detention.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEEconomic & social rights
Social and economic rights are concerned with basic human needs—for food, shelter, water and for the means to provide those things for oneself.
The death penalty is a violation of the right to life and the right not to be subject to cruel or inhumane treatment or punishment.
EXPLORE THE ISSUEHealth & human rights
Access to services and care needed to live a healthy life, but these rights are often violated through restrictions, lack of access, discrimination, and poor quality healthcare.